Colour Analysis
Transform the way you look and feel with a professional Colour Analysis at your place. Together, we will discover your signature colours and the colours that enhances your natural beauty, making you glow with harmony. Colour analysis is an investment for you and your image. Feel good and look good on your journey discovering a customized colour palette that will make you look radiant. We analyse your skin tone and hair colour to determine the shades that suit you best. Discover the colours that complement your natural beauty and enhance your personal style with our colour analysis service. Using the world most advanced colour analysis framework, The Absolute Colour System, we will cover in your Personal Colour Consultation: • Initial conversation and explanation about the method. • Personal Colour and Style type. • Undertone Analysis. • Value Contrast. • Colour Contrast. • Dominant Contrast. • Colour draping to discover your colours and neutral groups. • Colours Signature. • The best makeup colours. • The best hair colours. What you'll get in return from your investment? • Face to face consultation (up to 2.5-hours) at your place (Adelaide only). • Became your own colour specialist. • A Personalised colour swatch with around 50 colours and neutrals to take with you • Your Personal Colour Analysis Booklet – including your analysis, signature colours, psychology of colours, Makeup colours, Contrasts, Personality test and an “Inspo Outfit”. • Your Colour Swatch Booklet - including exactly everything we cover in your session, so you can always revisit to help you when creating outfits. • Learn how to do your colour combination using the colour wheel contrast. • How to use your exclusive colour swatch. What are you waiting to start your colour journey? Book now and let me help you look and feel your best.
Cancellation Policy
Cancelation must be made 48h in advance via email for full refund. Cancelation requests and rescheduling with less than 48h will be charged an AU$50 fee.